Claudia Faulk's EdTec 544 Assignments

Instructional Design
Prerequisites: EDTEC 540 and 541 (B+ or better). Meet department writing skills requirement.
Systematic design of products for education and training. Use of analysis and content mapping to set instructional goals. Survey of instructional methods derived from learning theories for use in schools, universities, corporations and other settings. Rapid prototyping of instructional products.

EdTec 544 Web-Based Multi-Media Development

Working with a partner, sleect a problem with a strong skills/knoweldge cause. Act as a subject matter expert (SME) and instructional designer (ID) to create a design specification and rapid prototype.

Please visit my 544 Assignment Pages at these links:

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Main Assignment Page

This page was all hand-coded html for
the first lesson in EdTec 541, Fall 2009.
Modified September 2010.

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